
Guster Street Team

Do you like Guster music? Free Guster concert tickets? How about talking it up with your friends about Guster? Well, now's your chance to do all three, plus get a free download of the song Empire State in the process. I just joined the Guster Street Team, an informal group of fan promoters. As a member of the team, you post Guster posters to help the band advertise the shows (and I'm sure you can keep one for yourself), you can sell copies of the albums to your friends cheap, and you can receive free concert tickets in return for your services. I'm really excited about that one. They're probably pretty good seats, too, since you're getting them from the band.

I think the team is a great email list to sign up for--who knows, maybe something really cool will come of it for me. At the very least, I got the opportunity to download Empire State. Already have the new album, so it's nothing too exciting for me, but who knows...maybe one of you would like a free mp3. It's time for you to make a purchase, though--Ganging Up on the Sun is a great album! Anyway, I thought I'd pass these comments along. Click to Join the Guster Street Team.

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