
Free Guster Streams and Downloads

Did you know that there are literally hundreds of Guster recordings available for completely free streaming and download? It's 100% legal and 100% free. No credit card required, no nothing--just download and enjoy!

The way it works is this...
Guster is one of the few bands that actually allows people to record their live shows as long as the venue permits it. These live recordings are posted as open, public domain, free for everyone's listening pleasure on Guster's page at archive.org. You might expect lousy sound quality out of this (and rightfully so, in some cases), but many of these recordings are extremely good. Check out the page, and I think you'll be extremely pleasantly surprised.

I started streaming one concert and thought the audio quality was so good that I'd download a song or two. I now have a GREAT live recording of the Guster song Satellite live from the Austin City Limits Festival that I paid absolutely nothing for. The band is perfectly OK with it, too! I'm a huge fan of live recordings, especially Guster live recordings, so this made my day. Check out the site and see for yourself!

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