
One Man Wrecking Machine Video

Have you seen the new One Man Wrecking Machine video? It's amazing! If you haven't, take a few minutes out of your busy day and check it out. The video can be found on Guster.com and clicking Media, or by clicking on the link above. The video features a yellow pillow man wearing a tie who falls in love, gets high, tears apart his little plush world, then sews all the little bits back together with his giant sewing machine--which he then triumphantly rides into town. This is Guster originality at its finest. Who else would ever think to make a music video this cool and strange? I'd like to own that yellow pillow some day. He's pretty cool. I wish I could sew my world back together with a sewing machine.

This video fits so well with the lyrics of the song, and gives quite a bit of background to help interpret the song. I've been "inspired by true events on movie screens" here, or at least my computer screen. Check out this video and be prepared to be amazed.

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